Wynlife Healthcare, Inc.
Wynlife Healthcare, Inc.
Address: 12707 High Bluff Drive
Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92130

Phone: 858-794-1484
Fax: 858-350-4384
E-mail: wynlife_usa@wynlife.com
Web Site(s): http://www.wynlife.com

Products / Services: Nutritional Supplements, Weight Management

Company Description:
Wynlife’s mission is to become a leader in the healthcare industry developing and providing the highest quality, proven, science-based products derived from natural materials. To achieve this we will use the latest scientific advances in natural medicine combined with pharmaceutical grade manufacturing practices to deliver the highest quality products. Operating, in principle, as partners with our customers, independent business partners and suppliers, we are committed to providing quality products and services which satisfy customer requirements and achieve a leadership position in their market. We work together as a team, from product inception to market, assuring quality is built into our products from the start. We hold ourselves to the highest standards of innovation, quality, safety respect, and integrity to the people with whom we interact. -Customers – Providing highest-quality products and services to meet customer needs -Community – Practicing the highest standards of ethics and integrity in our interactions with all segments of community -Independent Business Partners – Sharing long-lasting and maximum financial rewards with our independent business partners -Employees – Respecting employees and creating a positive work environment for employees to grow with the company -Investors – Maximizing long-term profits for investors Our mission, goals, operating philosophy and values are what make Wynlife unique.

Compensation Plan: Multi Level.

Sales Strategy: Person-to-Person.

Countries of Operation: United States, Taiwan
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