Amkey, Inc.
Amkey, Inc.
Address: 12801 Schabarum Avenue
Irwindale, CA 91706-6808
Phone: 626-851-9988
Fax: 626-960-1773
Web Site(s):
Products / Services: Business/Commercial, Health/Fitness/Wellness, Internet Services, Nutritional Supplements, Personal Care, Skincare
Company Description:
Headquartered in Los Angeles County, California, Amkey Inc. is the ultimate internet-based direct marketing company specializing in the research and development, manufacturing, and marketing of natural, high tech healthcare products. Amkey’s unique products are based on the 21st century’s most innovative health concepts and use such cutting-edge technologies as biotechnology and nanotechnology. Facilitated by an advanced e-commerce platform and interpersonal networking, the company has begun its worldwide market penetration, bringing renewed health and greater happiness to people’s lives. At the same time, Amkey has created a business opportunity to achieve financial freedom for anyone who joins the company as a distributor. Amkey Inc. was formed in June 2003 and is capitalized by Alliance Financial Group, an internationally sophisticated investment institution. Amkey offers a uniquely proactive marketing system, an aggressive, yet realistic, compensation plan, and a business opportunity unmatched anywhere else. Anyone who joins Amkey will be working with an organization that is committed to the individual distributor’s ultimate success.
Compensation Plan: Multi Level.
Sales Strategy: Party Plan AND Person-to-Person.
Countries of Operation: United States, Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan
