Designer Shoes earn: 10% per sale, - is unique. We offer the world's largest selection of top brand name shoes for women who leave a larger footprint. Join our affiliate program and make money. About 37% of US women can't find their correct shoe size in regular shoes stores-- but they find it with us! We offer fun,fashionable women’s shoes in hard to find sizes 8 to 14 and widths AAAA to WW. Our average sale is over $80. We ship all over the world. We have a unique business specialty. We offer over 30 top designer brands in over 50 sizes.
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(Note: Our business office is open M-F only, until 6PM Boston time. During other times we are covered by real human beings, (nice ones!) who will take your message and get it to us on the next business day.)
888-371-SHOE (7463) U.S. only
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132 Kemble St.
Boston, MA 02119
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