Genesis Pure
Genesis Pure
Address: 772 E Utah Valley Drive
Suite 338
American Fork, UT 84003
Phone: 801-492-5888
Fax: 801-492-5889
Web Site(s):
Products / Services: Nutritional Supplements
Company Description:
We at Genesis PURE are very excited to be at the helm of a company that mirrors America's unique ethnic diversity in so many ways. Our heritage combines the most diverse roots in a perfect merging of business acumen, nutritional knowledge, compassion, integrity and caring. Genesis PURE was formed to truly make a difference in your life. During the company's initial formation, a pact and a promise was made by our founders to uphold and protect, at all cost, the heartfelt reasons for developing this unique and diverse company. OUR GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: We will positively impact your life, health and longevity by providing life changing, first-class nutritional guidance and supplementation. Each of our products will produce definite and positive effects for you, your business associates and your loved ones. People will stand behind and support our products because they work! We are a company that changes people's lives in a positive way by helping them look better, feel better, function better, and live a longer, healthier and happier life. As spiritually grounded people, we know that this higher principle and purpose is a powerful foundatin for Genesis secret. We are proud to offer a unique opportunity that allows anyone and everyone the ability to own your own business, make your own house, control your own destiny, and build your own wealth and retirement. Every human being is allowed the same opportunity regardless of age, ethnicity, financial status, education or any other factor. At Genesis Secret everyone is truly an equal. We will offer you the potential to attain tremendous financial success and achievement. Our decision to enter the direct marketing area coincided completely with our personal and business philosophies. Selling great products through direct marketing is a "win-win" situation for everyone involved, if it's done with honesty & integrity, like we do at Genesis Secret. We will teach and provide you with the tools to succeed beyond your greatest dreams. We are so excited about Genesis PURE and stand firm on our promise to offer you the best nutritional products in the world--at the best price. We are also excited to offer our distributors and associates the most generous, simple and fair compensation plan in any industry. This is why we can honestly say, we are "Creating Health and Wealth with Integrity."
Compensation Plan: Multi Level.
Sales Strategy: Person-to-Person.
Countries of Operation: United States, Canada, China, Mexico, South Korea
