Isagenix, Intl.
The Isagenix... Cleansing and Fat Burning System promotes fat burning through good nutrition and cleansing.
The Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System is an unprecedented quantum leap in weight loss technology through internal cleansing! How many people do you know who would like to feel better and lose two to three dress sizes naturally—and keep it off? Pounds & inches melt away right before your eyes >> You can have energy beyond your wildest dreams within nine days! >> You can have the motivation to get physically active within nine days! >> You can look better, feel stronger and healthier within nine days! The Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System supports, maintains and protects lean muscle while helping to burn fat * A blend of 242 specific nutrients, herbs, and antioxidants. * A special low lactose whey protein with naturally occurring amino acids in balance that provides 17 grams of protein per serving. * Broad-spectrum pH digestive enzymes. * A proprietary Aloe Vera formula (from inner heart filet) fortified with IsaLyte™ -trace mineral citrate. * This mineral formula is also high in organic carbon and Fulvic Acid. * Many nutrients that have been shown to facilitate cleansing and accelerate fat loss. * Complex fibers help the cleansing process and help to suppress the appetite. * NO Ephedra, Ma Huang, Kola Nut, or added Caffeine to the formulations. * Several ingredients help to reduce the appetite and support effective metabolism. * The highest grade of low lactose whey protein, organic carbohydrates and fats. The Isagenix™ System gives you the opportunity to make a change in your health and your weight immediately by providing a system of cleansing botanicals, minerals and protein designed to work synergistically in four individual formulas. Good health, vitality and a leaner body are knocking at your door right now! Isagenix can turn your life around immediately! • You can feel and look better than ever before! • You can have explosive energy and endurance once again! • You can bring good health and happiness back to your life and the lives of your loved ones! • You can earn a substantial income • You can choose a business and product line you can be passionate about! • You can set your own hours and have more free time! • You can launch your business online for only $49 with no monthly group sales quotas!
Isagenix, Intl.
Address: 2223 S. Price Road
Chandler, AZ 85286 US
Day Phone: 480-889-5747
