Miche Bag
Miche Bag
Address: 7433 South 3500 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84121 US
Day Phone: (801) 998-8674
Email: info@michebag.com
Distributorship Inquiry Form.
Instructions: Please fill out entire form. Copy and paste the information in an email and send back to Jayma Woods at jwoods@michebag.com. If a distributorship is available you will be sent additional information via email. If there is not an open opportunity in your area your information will be forwarded to an authorized distributor near you. They will then contact you about the opportunities available such as home show representative.
Physical address:
City and State:
Phone number(s):
Email address:
How did you find Miche Bag?
Do you have a full time occupation?
If yes to above, what do you do?
Interested in: (please mark “x” on one or more of the following)
____ An authorized distributorship of Miche Bag®
ü Distributors work in the area they live
ü Initial product investment costs are around $8-9 K
ü Only distributors buy directly from Miche Bag corporate
Please provide a BRIEF description on your business ownership experience here:
____I am a retail store and would like to carry Miche Bag in my store
