New Vision USA, Inc.
New Vision USA, Inc.
Address: 8322 East Hartford Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85255-5466
Phone: 480-927-8999
Fax: 480-927-8689
Web Site(s):
Products / Services: Food/Gourmet Items, Nutritional Supplements, Personal Care, Skincare, Weight Management
Company Description:
New Vision®, a network marketing company, was incorporated in March 1995 by BK Boreyko and his family to achieve a mission: to enrich the quality of families’ lives both physically and financially. Family owned and operated since its inception, New Vision distributes dietary supplements and weight management products through a worldwide network of independent distributors. It is located in Scottsdale, Arizona and has its own cGMP certified 67,000 square-foot liquid manufacturing facility. “With our own facilities, we control the products and every aspect of quality control. We can actually make a better, more potent product and market it at a more competitive price,†says BK, President and CEO of New Vision. Leveraging BK’s leadership style – thinking as a member first and corporate officer second along with his twenty plus years of experience in the network marketing industry, New Vision has built a solid and dependable company in the networking industry for more than a decade. A proud member of both the Direct Selling Association and Better Business Bureau® of Central/Northern Arizona, New Vision is best known for developing a best-selling liquid mineral supplement in North America, Essential Minerals®, and recently has been making new waves in the multi-billion dollar energy shot/functional beverage and weight loss categories with its physician formulated Forté Healthy Energy Shot™ and the Forté Diet products. Since 1995, total sales exceed $1 billion in retail with over 1 million satisfied customers who have been paid out well over $500 million in commissions. New Vision also offers a home-based, Internet driven business opportunity with its dynamic Vertical Payout® compensation plan to help people achieve long-term financial independence. Team Members receive a basic or upgraded marketing website to customize, promote and manage their New Vision business through True to the Boreyko’s founding mission, New Vision has already enriched the physical and financial lives of countless people in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Europe. New Vision continues to provide industry field leaders, Team Players (Home Office employees) and consumers with the peace of mind that comes with knowing that their investment in time, energy and resources today will be here to reward them tomorrow. Grateful for every blessing BK has experienced, BK donates his personal and corporate resources to help the lives of those less fortunate. The total donations to worthy causes such as Habitat for Humanity, the Dream Center, Church on the Streets, the United Way, HealthCorps and the Dottie Boreyko Foundation (established in honor of his late mother), now approach $3 million.
Compensation Plan: Multi Level.
Sales Strategy: Person-to-Person.
Countries of Operation: United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore
