Northern Lights At Home
Northern Lights At Home
Address: 3474 Andover Road
Wellsville, NY 14895-9525
Phone: 585-593-1200
Fax: 585-593-6481
Web Site(s):
Products / Services: Aromatherapy, Candles/Candle Accessories, Giftware, Holiday Decorations, Home Accessories/Décor, House and Kitchenwares
Company Description:
Northern Lights at Home was developed in 1998 for two main reasons: 1. As an avenue of selling our distinctive, innovative, premium candles, manufactured in Western New York by Northern Lights Candles, which was founded in 1978 and has many years experience in expert candle making as well as unique exclusive home accessories. 2. As an opportunity for independent sales people to earn income, recognition and gifts, by selling distinctive candles and accessories that they can be proud of. In developing Northern Lights at Home, we performed a market survey of successful direct selling companies that were notable for good earning potential, quality product and the highest degree of honesty and integrity. With the results in hand, we designed Northern Lights at Home. We are committed to providing excellent service and high-quality innovative products representing good value through our network of independent sales people. Because we create, develop and manufacturer on site, our presenters, their hosts, and customers, are able to frequently enjoy a variety of original, fresh designs. We believe in providing an unlimited, self-pacing income opportunity to each presenter. We are, therefore, dedicated to giving presenters the tools and knowledge needed to reach their fullest potential and personal goals. At the same time, we continue to build an extraordinary corporate team that serves the salespeople with efficiency and courtesy while creating opportunities and growth for all in all areas of the business.
Compensation Plan: Multi Level.
Sales Strategy: Party Plan.
Countries of Operation: United States
