Orenda International, LLC
Orenda International, LLC
Address: 1900 West Broadway Road
Tempe, AZ 85282-1023
Phone: 480-889-1001
Fax: 480-889-9100
Web Site(s): http://www.orendainternational.com
Products / Services: Nutritional Supplements
Company Description:
Orenda International was founded in January of 2002, with the vision of closely monitoring the Bio Technology industry, with the objective of bringing the best of natural bio tech discoveries to the consumer marketplace, focused in the areas of anti aging, immune system science, and weight loss. More importantly, Orenda is a company focused on the success of its independent Bio-Marketing Partners. Our business is about lifting people, not about “channels of distribution.” We never ask the question “What is the best channel of distribution for us to follow with this product?”…No…we ask “What is the best product/service for our Bio-Marketing Partners?” There has always been a long list of products and services, which are new and require explanation, education and demonstration, and there always will be. It is our job to find the best of those products so that our opportunity is always fresh, exciting, on the cutting edge and mutually profitable. Orenda believes in creating a “win-win” for all involved, so along with working to make our company the best for employees, customers and vendors, Orenda also recognized the need and responsibility to give back to our communities. Therefore Orenda dedicates one half of one percent of revenue at commissionable retail to charitable giving through the Heart of Orenda fund.
Compensation Plan: Multi Level.
Sales Strategy: Party Plan AND Person-to-Person.
Countries of Operation: United States, United Kingdom
