StemTech HealthSciences, Inc.
StemTech HealthSciences, Inc.
Address: 1011 Calle Amanecer
San Clemente, CA 92673-6260
Phone: 949-542-8600
Fax: 949-542-8617
Web Site(s):
Products / Services: Nutritional Supplements
Company Description:
StemTech HealthSciences was founded in 2005 to bring a new breakthrough product technology to the marketplace. The beginnings of this natural, phytoceutical dietary supplement started as a conceptual theory in the mind of a research scientist at the turn of the century. Prior to theory development, this scientist, Christian Drapeau, accumulated many years of experience observing the apparent health benefits derived from a remarkable fresh water plant. These beneficial results intrigued this young neurophysiologist, and he began intensive research to examine this phenomenon. In 2004, a U.S. patent was awarded to these inventors, and further internal and external studies continued to corroborate their position. Desert Lake Technologies was now ready to transition from research & development, and bring the concept and the product to market in 2005. The company then turned to a top industry professional, an MBA with a 17-year track record of success, to help guide them in the strategic planning process. After many months of analysis, Ray Carter recommended, and the team decided to form, StemTech HealthSciences, in order to launch the product through the power of the network marketing industry. Mr. Carter accepted the company’s request for him to organize and run the new company, as they targeted a market pre-launch in the fall of 2005. The name of this product is StemEnhance™, and it is a breakthrough, natural botanical extract that supports wellness by helping your body maintain healthy stem cell physiology. It is the very first product on the market from the latest phytoceutical product category called “stem cell enhancers.” A clinical study on the product was published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal in September 2007. When you take two capsules of StemEnhance, the ingredients help to support the release of stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream. Through a natural process, those stem cells then travel to areas of the body where they are most needed. StemEnhance is only available through StemTech HealthSciences, Inc. and its independent distributors. The formulation is patented and is the first of its kind on the market. So whether you are a “baby boomer,” athlete, or anyone else looking to optimize health, StemEnhance is for you.
Compensation Plan: Multi Level.
Sales Strategy: Person-to-Person.
Countries of Operation: United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico
