The Body Shop At Home
The Body Shop At Home
Address: 5036 One World Way
Wake Forest, NC 27587
Phone: 919-554-4900
Fax: 866-854-5335
Web Site(s):
Products / Services: Personal Care, Skincare
Company Description:
We are a values-driven skin and hair care company that believes in telling women the truth about what our products will do for them. We don't believe in hype. We encourage women to 'know your mind, love your body'. Our products are based on natural ingredients and really do work. The Girls' Nite Out concept - our version of the home party - provides an opportunity to try the products before buying. Customers tell us it is the most different and most fun home party they have ever attended. Imagine guests soaking their feet in peppermint as they enjoy the company of friends! The Body Shop pioneered the idea of not testing cosmetics on animals. That has become one of the core values of the company. In addition, Community Trade - the fair trade policy we practice with communities in need - allows us to source both ingredients and products from developing communities, while helping those communities build infrastructure with their profits. The Body Shop at Home will set the standard for retailers who entertain the idea of a venture into the direct selling arena, as we partner with The Body Shop stores to increase brand awareness and spread the word about this exciting new opportunity.
Compensation Plan: Multi Level.
Sales Strategy: Party Plan.
Countries of Operation: United States, Australia, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Turkey, United Kingdom
