Address: XanGo, LLC
2889 W. Ashton Blvd.
Lehi, UT 84043
Phone: 801-816-8000
Fax: 801-753-2116
E-mail: debbie.blockinger@xango.com
Web Site(s): http://www.xango.com
Products / Services: Nutritional Supplements
Company Description:
XanGo combines a category-creating product, world-class executives, distributor-first mindset, and awe-inspiring corporate culture to create one of the most innovative and explosive direct selling companies in the industry. Still in its formative years of corporate existence, XanGo continues to set growth records and was recently named one of the Emerging Elite by the Utah 100 - a group that honors Utah companies for remarkable growth and sustained vision. XanGo's executive team boasts more than 100 years combined experience. Gary Hollister (chairman and CEO) and Aaron Garrity (president and COO) lead the show, while legal expert Bryan Davis (general counsel), accounting mastermind Kent Wood (CFO), marketing wizard Gordon Morton (executive VP, sales & marketing) and all-round superpower Joe Morton complete the dynamic and energizing group of XanGo founders. Along with a consistently creative approach, XanGo also maintains a dedicated relationship with the Operation Kids charitable organization. Before turning a profit, XanGo began donating to Operation Kids, and has continued to do so - now becoming the largest single donor to Operation Kids charities. At the same time, XanGo's charitable commitment is never limited to a single avenue - XanGo continues to seek out new ways to contribute, whyile encouraging distributors to do the same. The bottom line? XanGo is a remarkable fusion of freedom, creativity, energy, and unmatched ezperience. Having seen the incredible momentum of XanGo's early years, there is little doubt that XanGo will rival - and perhaps eclipse - some of the largest diret selling companies of all time.
Compensation Plan: Multi Level.
Sales Strategy: Person-to-Person.
Countries of Operation: United States, Australia, Bermuda, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Sweden, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom
