YourNetPlus.Com, Inc.
YourNetPlus.Com, Inc.
Address: 501 Route 208
Monroe, NY 10950-1611
Phone: 845-783-5987
Fax: 845-783-5989
Web Site(s):
Products / Services: Internet Services
Company Description:, Inc is located in Monroe, New York. It was created with the ISP in mind. The company is comprised of 18 backbones and seven networks, with the main hub of our network located in Phoenix, Arizona. The custom designed facility provides redundant optical fiber connections through Cox, Qwest, and ELI, in addition to multiple Internet back-bone providers, including UUNET, Qwest, MegaPop, FlexPop and our own YNP Network, making scaling bandwidth faster and much more affordable. Over the last two years, has put key personnel in all five of our national locations. Our locations include: Monroe, New York, Tucson, Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona, West Paterson, New Jersey and Spring Hill, Florida. has on staff skilled network engineers, programmers, Web Designers and sales and marketing teams to assist you. is a large aggregator of Internet dial-up lines in the United States,aggregating the services of 18 national dial-up networks across the United States and Canada. We currently have more than 32,00 dial-up telephone numbers in 58,000 local communities. YourNetPlus will private labeling its services for you. We are offering you an opportunity to make money through the sale of safe and protected Internet service. YourNetPlus will supply all ISP services including: technical support, billing, the domain name, equipment, e-mail and personalized home pages. The Internet site and homepage will be customized for you.
Compensation Plan: Multi Level.
Sales Strategy: Party Plan AND Person-to-Person.
